Father's Day Brisket
I rubbed the brisket Friday night, put in the fridge, and took it out to come to room temperature at 3:30AM. At 6:00AM I started the grill and had the brisket on by 6:30. I had no problems keeping my temperature between 225 and 250. Started mopping the brisket after two hours and mopped it every hour after that. Checked the temperature at about 10:30 and it was at 160, which is the plateau so I knew it would sit at 160 for awhile. Checked it again around 12:30 and it was up to about 170-180. At 1:30 I wrapped it in foil and let it finish. Took it off at 3:30 (9 hours, just like I estimated) and 210 degrees. Set it in a cooler and let it rest until I cut it at about 5:15.
Contrary to the belief of the great Joe-Be-Wan, the brisket turned out very moist and was a huge hit.

Contrary to the belief of the great Joe-Be-Wan, the brisket turned out very moist and was a huge hit.

At 6/20/2006 12:18 PM,
tkrimms said…
YOU took it out at 3:30 AM? I think I did :)
It was EXCELLENT. And I hope you didn't eat it all because I was planning leftovers for tomorrow!
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