Grilled Chicken Breasts

Notice the new grill thermometer. I also stacked my coals off to one side of the weber to test the "cold" side temperature for my next pork shoulder attempt. With the vents open wide, the temp got up to about 300 degrees. With proper vent management, I should be able to achieve the 220 - 250 degree temp for smoking with the weber.
Someone say more about the "Minion Method" of coal management for BBQ. Is anyone on Moist Heat a Minion practitioner?

At 6/23/2006 9:11 AM,
Joe-Be-Wan said…
Your grill set up looks good. I forgot about the Minion method. I'm more into the Moist Heat method. Be careful about mixing rib rubs and chicken. Rib rubs tend to have lots of sugar in them, as the temp is lower and you don't have to worry about burning the sugar. With chicken, you're going higher heat, and the sugar will blaze past carmelized and into burnt. Hence, the sauce improving the taste. And chicken is direct heat, but it looks like that is what you were doing.
At 6/23/2006 9:19 AM,
Andakin said…
Actually yes I am a Minion man. It works really well!
What I normally do is fill my chimney starter with charcoal briquets and dump those (unlit) right in to the side box. Then I fill my chimney starter 3/4 or all the way with lump charcoal and light it (the lump charcoal lights faster, you could also just light some briquets). Once glowing orange, I dump the lump charcoal on top of the briquets in the sidebox. It can take a little longer for your temps to climb becuase the briquets have to get going. But using that method, I can go up to 3 hours without having to add any new coals to the fire and maintain a steady 225-250 temp. When I need to add more coals, I usually just throw a few more unlit briquets right. Some purists will say you should not do that becuase of the fumes you get when the charcoal ignites. But I have not noticed any bad flavor by doing that.
Jo-Be-Wan and I have also found that it is best to use briquets when doing a long cook. If you use straight lump charcoal it tends to burn up very quickly and you will go through quite a bit of it. Lump is good for short cooks.
At 6/26/2006 12:25 PM,
Flamb_Ed said…
I think I'll show my lack of knowledge here and ask - What is the minion method?
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