Yoghurt and Chipotle crusted pork
The other day Flamed and Mrs Flamed stopped over at our place. Flambed has found a source of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce over here so he brought some along. I had a large piece of pork shoulder so we just had to use some of those peppers. I made a mix of:
1/2 cup of plain yoghurt
1/2 tin of chipotle peppers, diced and the adobo sauce
2 cloves garlic crushed
1 tablespoon olive oil
about 1/2 teaspoon salt
a good grind of fresh black pepper.

The pork was rolled and tied with string so we unrolled it and removed the skin. Then I used about half the mix to marinade the pork, rubbing it well in, well OK I talked Flamed into doing it as he had nothing better to do at the time. He then re-rolled the pork and tied it again.
We used the gas grill as the bottom has fallen out of my old grill. I wonder if that was overuse or just the rust caused by our wet summers here in the UK?
After about 6 hours marrinading we set up the grill for indirect cooking with some plum wood for smoke and cooked the pork for about 3 hours at 300 turning and mopping generously with the rest of the mix every half hour. The idea is to build up a crust with the yoghurt and peppers drying onto the meat. When the inside temperature was around 160 we wrapped it in foil and rested it for half an hour. To serve I sliced through so we got a round of meat surrounded with the crust.
The skin was cooked with the meat then finished off on direct heat skin side down to crisp it and broken into chunks to serve.

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