If you have ever searched online for grilling accessories, one of the more common novelty items you will come across will be grill brands that you can use to brand letters or words on to your your grilled meat. I happened to come across such an item while shopping at a discount store in the Northwoods. They were selling single letter brands for $1 but the choices were very limited. Since I could not get a "K" for my last name, I of course looked for an "M" and "H" for Moist Heat. They did not have an "H" but they did in fact have an "M". Skeptical that these things actually work, I figured I wouldn't feel too bad if tried one out for only $1. So I purchased the "M" (or maybe it was supposed to be a "W"?).
I grilled up some boneless chicken breasts last night that I had rubbed with Magic Dust and just for kicks decided to give the brand a try. While the chicken was cooking, I placed the tip of the brand in the hot coals and let it sit there for a few minutes. Just before the chicken was done, I removed the brand from the coals and placed the red hot "M" on the chicken. Surprisingly the brand worked very well and left a nice charred "M" right on the chicken. Too bad I couldn't find an "H" to go with it. Maybe I could do an "M" and a "W" for Moist and Wet?? :)
At 7/06/2006 8:56 AM,
T-Bone said…
Or it could just stand for the Moist Heat yummy sound, "Mmmmmmmm, Moist."
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