BBQ Central

Mrs. T listened, and the family came through on Father's Day. Pictured is my new BBQ Central. It was purchased at Menard's for $99. It is a rubbermaid storage unit with two lifting lids as well as two doors that swing out. Yesterday, I did 4 racks of BabyBack Ribs using a Pecan and Cherry wood Combo. Instead of schlepping everything out of the garage, BBQ Central has everything I need right near the Weber. My father and father-in-law have already complained that they should have gotten this unit too.
As for my non-hickory wood ribs. The family loved them. While I'll never stray from Hickory for Pork Shoulder, the pecan and cherry wood made the ribs very flavorful but still let the meat shine through.

At 6/25/2007 10:59 AM,
Flamb_Ed said…
that looks awesome, I can appreciate the benefits of a lack of schlepping
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